

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Back in the U.S of A

I just got back into the states after being in Australia for 6 months. It was an amazing trip with tons of waves and good times. i met some really amazing people as well. Sorry i haven't been posting that much, its just been hard to get onto a computer while i was traveling.I will do my best to keep you guys up to date. In saying that here is a little clip of matt and i from some of the leftover footage that didn't make ring of fire 2. Also be sure you subscribe to robs podcast on itunes ... itunes.apple.com/​us/​podcast/​lunar-podcasts/​id376336904
also be sure to check out the deep website at... http://deepbodyboarding.com

Lunar 0.5 - A California Day from robert isambert on Vimeo.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Sorry for the lack of updates, I 've been busy working in sydney. Here are a couple random flicks to check out. i'll be posting more soon.....

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

As Luck Would Have It

Turns out the first week the boys leave we get some decent swell. It wasn't to big but it was good to get into some heavier waves. Here is a sequence from Parker Mendenhall from the swell.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

hoodrat stuff

just killing some time on the net.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

waves!!!!! finally

Finally got some decent waves out here. There has been numerous claims as to how bad the winter has been here in Australia, and its still probably better than home.(even though Danny B has been claiming out the wazoo waves have been insane back home.) I am trying to find some work out here at the moment to extend my ticket. We will see how it goes but it looks as though I will be staying out here for a bit longer.

European boom face

stormy reverse

matty booms

off the back


ryan getting loopy

Monday, July 12, 2010


We are back down on the southcoast and it feels good to get some decent rest. Our trip up to the goldy was really fun. We met alot of really cool people as well as scored some fun waves. We also had a couple session in between that were good as well. here are a couple more framies from the trip.




Thursday, July 8, 2010

road trip

Im back in sydney after a road trip up north to the goldy. We drove over 2000 km in the past couple days and none of us have had much sleep.It will be good to rest up. I will post some more framies from up north later, but here are a couple random ones from the past couple weeks.

one from the road trip
winny again
charley chaplet
ryan sewell
glen again
sean p